· Mental Health and Children
A workshop on “Mental Health & Right Based Framework”, was held on 19th January 2007 in which members participated and benfited from the same. Several CRY DS members from different state teams also benefited from the orientation. The facilitation was done by Dr. A. Bhagat and Ms. Shweta from Saarthak.
A Workshop On “Introduction to Child and Adolescent Mental Health” has organized on 26th and 27th June, 2007 at Indian Social Institute, New Delhi. The Workshop was attended by 30-40 participants comprising of mental health professionals; NGO’s working for mental health etc. The basic objective to conduct the Workshop is to consolidate and enhance understanding of professionals about mental health needs, issues and a framework for possible responses while working with young people.
Consultation on “Situational Analysis of Street and Working Children – Change and Challenges – beyond 2010”: The Workshop on “Situational Analysis of Street and Working Children – Change and Challenges – beyond 2010” was conducted on 3rd July, 2007 at Indian Social Institute in which various Stakeholders shared their Experiences & Views. This Consultation covered the NCR region of Noida, Gaziabad and Gurgaon. The basic idea of the Workshop was to understand the problems of Children, related to their health, education, rehabilitation, repatriation, restoration, trafficking and other related aspects and how much Juvenile Justice System impacts while dealing the same. In this Workshop QIC&AC passed a resolution to meet the challenges for homeless and street children in view of the impending 2010 Common wealth Games. QIC&AC has decided to raise the demand to make Delhi a Child friendly city.
Consultation with the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) on Child Abuse and Development on Delhi Action Plan: Consultation was organized on “Child Abuse and Development on Delhi Action Plan on 28th September, 2007 at Prayas. Taking note of the serious findings of National Study on Child Abuse which was recently conducted by Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt. of India, QIC&AC felt the need to share its views with the larger public and generate a demand for state action. After which a demand letter was sent to the concerned authorities, expressing concerns and demanding actions.
Quality Indicators: A meeting of Quality Indicators was commended in the month of August 2007. QIC & AC Group has taken this agenda a consultant has been appointed to complete the task..
Consultation on “Situational Analysis of Children of Nomadic Tribes in context of Delhi”: A One day Consultation was organized By QIC&AC on 30th November, 2007 at Indian Social Institute, Delhi. About 35 participants comprising Chairpersons/Members of Child Welfare Committees, Academicians, Government Officials, Social Activists, CBOs/ Commission members working with children from Nomadic tribes, Child lines, Government and Non-Government Department, Children representatives from nomadic community and senior representatives of voluntary organizations were present in this workshop.
The main objective of the workshop was to analyze the existing situation of Nomadic Children in Delhi, to make an understanding regarding the responsibilities / Functions and Working of the National Commission for Nomadic Tribes and Denotified Tribes, to develop appropriate linkages and coordination between the formal system of various child related Acts and voluntary agencies engaged in the welfare and development of nomadic tribe children., to know is there any facilities available in Institution and Non-Institution for care and Protection of Children from these communities? To know is there any rehabilitation plan for this category of people in an unorganized sector? To raise the various issues like education, health, rehabilitation etc of the nomadic children before the Commission.
The consultation raised many questions among the participants. The existence of nomadic tribes and denotified tribes is a well known fact however this was a rare occasion where their problems were dealt in so much detail. A field level report was circulated among the participants.
A State level consultation: was held on Social Reintegration and Rehabilitation of Unknown Babies in Delhi on collaboration with CARA and All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi on 14th February, 2008. Focus of the workshop was to learn the process of social integration/rehabilitation of such babies. Though the process laid down under the JJ Act 2000, sensitize the government hospitals and agencies on the issues of illegal adoption and the challenges faced by the NGO/Police/other stake holders. A comprehensive report has been prepared separately (enclosed). There were about 120 delegates from all stakeholders–Medical Superintendents, Board/CWC Members, CARA, Deptt. of Social Works, Adoption Agencies, Civilians, UNICEF, Police and NGOs. Recommendation was sent to CARA & Deptt. of Women and Child Welfare for strengthening this process and CARA has incorporated suggestions in the new guidelines framed for in-country adoption 2008. Deptt. of Health and Family Welfare has also been informed and requested to issue circular to all Nursing Homes/Hospitals to report about the arrival of unknown babies, with the concern CWC and Deptt. of Women and Child Welfare. Response is awaited. RTI has also been sent to different Government Hospitals to know the status of such children in Delhi. Study may be conducted with QIC & AC Group with support of AIIMS / CARA etc. The issue of Adoption will be taken up in a proactive manner during the next years plan at a National Level.
Vigilance Committee under Bonded Labour Act: QIC & AC had a follow up with the Deputy Commissioners’ offices of all the district of Delhi. Though the committee has been formed but the Commissioner and concern SDMs of south Delhi, North and North East Delhi and South-West Delhi have taken interest on the subject and efforts have been made by Labour Department to rescue children, refer them to competent authority, Juvenile Justice System and in a process to institutionalize the system. A protocol has been developed by the Department of Labour, Government of Delhi through discussion with NGO, CWCs and Department of Women and Child Development, Government of Delhi, Resident Commissioners of concern State specially Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal for repatriation and rehabilitation of Child Labour. The issue of Child labour in Delhi will be taken up in a proactive manner during the next years plan.
QIC&AC in collaboration with member NGO Prayas: Organized a state level consultative meeting on elimination of Child Labour in Delhi “From Promises to Practice” on March 13, 2008. QIC & AC Group members shared the concern with the Union Minister of Labour, Shri Oscar Fernandez; Labour Commissioner Govt. of Delhi, Shri Chandan Bhushan Kumar and Joint Director, Women and Child Department, Delhi Ms. Rashmi Singh Hon. Minister emphasizes on the convergence of service at destination and source states for rehabilitation of children engaged in organized/un-organized labour sector. He suggested checking the migration of such children from source state by providing effective service. He also emphasizes that instead of implementing Child Labour project all over India, focus should be on states/areas where issue of Child Labour is intense/migration is high. He added Panchayat Raj may be involved in such activities. The issue of Child labour in Delhi will be taken up in a proactive manner during the next years plan.
Strengthening of Juvenile Justice System: Capacity Building Workshop/Meeting was held on implementation of Juvenile Justice Care and Protection Act, Model Rule 2007. Issue of registration, Recognition/Licensing was raised by the member NGOs/other NGOs. Efforts were made to take the issue with Department of Women and Child Welfare. Deptt. is in the process of making advertisement for registration of all Chief Welfare Institutions/ organization under section 34 (3) and recognition/certification under other sections of the Act. A follow up workshop may be organized if need arises in June/July 2008.
Framing JJ Rule for NCT of Delhi: Need for framing of JJ Rules was discussed by QIC&AC with Secretary, Social Welfare, and Government of NCT of Delhi. A committee was formed for framing the rule with support of NGOs/experts. MM Vidyarthi from QIC & AC was designated as a member. The group submitted its report. Group may organize a consultation to get suggestions/addition/deletion of clause under Model Rule 2007 to promote Non-Institutional services and bring quality in services at Institution level and in the best interest of child with respect to their voices.
One Day Consultation on Capacity Building of QIC&AC members on Laws related to Children
The Consultation was commended on 23 December, 2006. A framework was discussed among core group for analysis of different Acts, so that Child gets maximum benefits. It will help to reduce the cost and to make the speedy settlement of cases. It was discussed to work on one or two Acts by each member, and present it before the core group in the decided framework. It was decided to work on uniform age of Child in different acts.
·Developing the Indicators of Quality Institutional Care& Alternative Care
The Consultation was commended on 29 December, 2006. The framework of developing Quality Indicators for Child & Protection of Children within Institutions and standards for Alternatives Care was developed. Literature study is underway and that includes studying indicators which has already been developed by Saarthak and QIC&AC core groups. The work continues for the next year.
One day consultation on Commission for Protection of Child Rights Act 2005.
The objective was to understand the newly constituted Commission and the Law. Dr. C K Reejonia, Under Secretary of Women & Child Development, Govt of India has delivered the lecture/facilitate the sessions. He explained the Act and Rules of Juvenile Justice system and also promised to give all support through their level of system. The workshop graced by 40 participants comprising Judicial officers, Chair-Person/members of Juvenile Justice Boards/Child Welfare Committees, Academicians, Govt. Officials, Child activists and senior representatives of volunteers organizations.
We had a State level Consultation on “The Commissions for Protection on Child Rights Act 2005 & Rule 2006” dated 17th February, 2007. In the consultation one of the recommendations of the group voluntarily agreed to form a committee for formulation of Rule in joint collaboration of Deptt. of Social Welfare which is the nodal agency.
Therefore, a requesting letter was send to The Director, Department of Social Welfare to work in collaboration with Department for the formation of Rules and provide opportunity to strengthen the present collaborative for further necessary action. In a petition, Delhi High Court in its order dated 23rd April, 2007 to chief Justice has asked Department of Social Work to submit status report within 8 weeks.
· Capacity Building of QIC&AC members on Laws related to Children
A Workshop on “Operational Procedures for rescue, restoration and rehabilitation of Children under The Child Labour(Prohibition & Regulation Act,1986, The Bonded Labour System (Abolition)Act, 1976 and The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 and their relationship” organized by QIC&AC on 2nd May to understand the small litigates of the Acts for the rehabilitation of the children. The consultation was participated by 40 participants comprising Judicial Officers, Chairpersons/ Members of Child Welfare Committees, Government Officials, Child Activists and senior representatives of Voluntary organizations.
Swami Aagnivesh address the session on the Operational strategy to rescue, restore, and rehabilitate children engaged in domestic work, child labour, hazardous and non-hazardous work in organized/unorganized sector in Delhi. He also highlighted the historical Linkage between Bonded Labour (Abolition) System Act 1976, The Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986, and further notification of ban of child on 10 October, 2007. Other speakers spoke on the rescue, shelter and rehabilitation process under Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2000. Mr. Vikram Dutt shared concerns and experiences of dealing with physically and mentally challenged children vis-à-vis juvenile justice act.
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